One Vision
Work Together
Be The Champion
Antawirya Team Undip: Innovating Fuel-Efficient Cars for a Greener Indonesia
The Antawirya Team, established in 2013 by the Workshop Division of the Mechanical Engineering Student Association at Universitas Diponegoro, is dedicated to developing fuel-efficient vehicles. With a strong commitment to reducing vehicle emissions and promoting a cleaner environment, Antawirya aims to innovate in eco-friendly automotive technology. This initiative is a significant contribution to advancing fuel-efficient car technology in Indonesia. Antawirya believes that energy-efficient vehicles offer a practical solution for raising public awareness of the importance of a cleaner and healthier environment.

Members of the Antawirya team, consisting of several divisions.
From national and multinational companies.
Champions from national to international competitions.
Cars that we built with precision, heart, determination, and teamwork.
Kontes Mobil Hemat Energi
The Energy-Efficient Car Contest is an annual competition held nationally by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenristekdikti). This competition is participated in by student competitors from all over Indonesia.
The categories in the KMHE consist of the Urban Concept and Prototype Concept. Each of these categories is further divided based on fuel types, including combustion engines (gasoline, diesel, and ethanol/alcohol) and electric motors.

Shell Eco Marathon Asia
The Shell Eco-Marathon Asia is a fuel-efficient vehicle competition at the Asia level organized by the multinational oil and gas company, Shell. Shell Eco-Marathon is a race for energy-efficient cars divided into the Prototype and Urban Concept categories.
In this competition, the Antawirya Team will compete in the Urban ICE Concept category. This category focuses on designing a four-wheeled vehicle using an internal combustion engine.
Berbagai prestasi yang sangat gemilang telah diraih oleh Tim Antawirya di level nasional maupun internasional. Pencapaian ini merupakan hasil dari proses panjang yang telah dilalui dan cukup melelahkan. Inovasi, kepemimpinan dan kreativitas mahasiswa menjadi komponen-komponen bangunan utama pada Tim Antawirya. Kerjasama dan kerja keras antar mahasiswa pada Tim yang terdiri dari beberapa prodi ini telah berhasil menemukan inovasi teknologi yang tepat sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Tetaplah selalu terinspirasi untuk menjadi puncak, namun juga selalu siap untuk mendewasakan diri ketika berada di lembah. Teruslah bekerja keras dan berinovasi karena hasil tidak pernah berkhianat terhadap usaha.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Jamari, ST, MT, IPU, ASEAN Eng
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro